Robins EYFS
A Day in the Life of a Robin
All Robins receive a warm welcome each morning from the EYFS Team before hanging up their coats and placing their bags and water bottles in the correct boxes.
Each morning the children choose from two fine motor activities before registration. After registration the children head into Collective Worship with Goldfinches. The rest of the morning is taken up with phonics, maths and free flow (indoors and outdoors) child-initiated learning. The children enjoy snack together followed by a whole school play time. On a Wednesday all children travel by coach to Aquavale in Aylesbury for their weekly swimming lesson.
A hot lunch is served at noon and after the children enjoy another whole school play time with a selection of activities and resources. Afternoons are creative and energetic. Children enjoy PE, PSED, Music, Topic and Art sessions alongside lots of opportunities for talk during carpet time and storytelling. Each day ends by saying our end of day prayer before the children prepare their belongings for home.