General Information
Morning Session
08.50- 10.45
Mid morning Break
Morning Session
11.00- 12.00
Lunch Break
12.00 - 13.15
Afternoon Session
13.15 - 15.20
Parents are welcome in school at any time but an appointment is appreciated if there is a specific matter to discuss.
Children should arrive no earlier than 8.45 am as a member of staff will not be on duty before that time. The gates will be closed before that time.
Grey Trousers
Grey Skirt/Pinafore dress and grey/navy tights
School Cardigan or Sweatshirt
Blue Polo shirt
Grey Shorts or trousers
Blue/white check dress or grey skirt/Pinafore dress and white socks
Blue Polo Shirt
School Cardigan or Sweatshirt
Navy or black shorts, white T-shirts (no logos on apart from the school logo) and plimsolls are required for P.E.
In the winter navy sweatshirt and jogging bottoms may be worn (again, no logos please apart from the school logo).
Parents are asked to provide their children with a named bag which can be purchased from school.
Polo shirts, jumpers and cardigans, bearing the school logo, can be ordered from the school - please contact the School Secretary. All items of clothing should be named.
Also available are book bags and PE bags with the school logo.
During the Summer Term sun hats are essential.
Second hand uniform can be purchased from the school office at a reduced price.
Hot meals are provided by a local company, Yes Chef. Order forms are sent out to pupils every half term and should be returned to school. Children are also welcome to bring a packed lunch. The children are supervised by lunchtime supervisors. Free school lunches are available to any pupil whose parents receive Income Support. Please contact the office for further details.
Here at Marsworth we think it is a vital part of our children’s education to visit and experience places that have a true educational value and purpose. We have recently visited the Whipsnade and Mead Open Farm, along with several music and sports festivals and activities. We always ensure that risk assessments are carried out and DBS checks are in place for people who come into contact with our children. Parents permission is always sought before taking children on such trips.
In the rare event of the school having to close unexpectedly in an emergency Bucks County Council has made arrangements for closures to be announced on the local radio station. Parents are advised to tune into this station in bad weather conditions. They should also go to the Bucks County council website which lists all school closures.
Using a telephone cascade system staff will also advise parents of closure. Closure due to an emergency arising during the day would be dealt with by the school. Parents would be contacted and the children would be collected by their emergency contacts.
No child would be left to their own devices.
In order for closure procedures to be effective, all emergency contact numbers must be relevant.