In 2013 the Department for Education statutory guidance on school attendance state that the Headteacher may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.
We have carefully considered the guidance and adopted the recommendations in our School Attendance Policy, which is available for parents to read at the school office and on our website.
At Marsworth CE Infant School we aim to achieve a good attendance through working in partnership with staff, pupils, parents, governors and the Education Welfare Service.
We would recommend that parents discuss leave of absence requests due to exceptional circumstances with Mrs Polatci as any absences from school can result in children falling behind with their school work.
Attendance for the Autumn Term 2024 ( 1st September to 20th December)
Whole school: 88.5%
EYFS 75.9%
Year 1 93.1%
Year 2 96.3%
Attendance for the first half of the Autumn Term, (1st September to 25th October 2024)
Whole school was 93.2%
EYFS was 67.6%
Year 1 was 92.9%
Year 2 was 97.3%